I designed this self esteem test to be quick and easy to complete online. The aim is to enable you to check your level of self esteem by answering this short yes/ no quiz. The test is easy to score and after you complete it, check the advice on the next steps to build your self-esteem.
It has been shown that online psychiatric tests can be beneficial and can replace paper tests (see this study of 185 psychology students). Taking this test will enable you to focus on what is really causing your issues with low self esteem or poor confidence. It is 5 minutes well spent!
Is this self esteem test reliable?
- It has been cited in a paper by submitted by Oyier in 2013 for Masters Degree at Egerton University, as the self-esteem instrument.
- This page has been cited in a research article published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
- I have been cited in a study of self esteem on Post-Graduate Students
If you use this self esteem test, I’d be glad to hear what results you get. I’d also appreciate a link or reference back to this page.
As long as it is for non-commercial reasons I welcome you to use my test, however, please cite as follows:
Perera, K (2006). Self esteem Test. Available from: https://more-selfesteem.com/test.htm.
If you want to include it in an educational course or syllabus, that’s fine but let me know, I’d be interested to know how it will be used and if I can help. Please contact me here.
How to score the test:
For each POSITIVE answer, give yourself one point. Now as a rough guide, here are the results and what they mean in terms of your level of self esteem and confidence:
15-16 Points – You have positive self esteem! There is nothing to worry about and you should be happy!
12-14 Points – Not bad but room for you to improve. Probably this result shows there may some areas where low self esteem or a lack of confidence may be affecting you, so there is something for you to work on. There are plenty of ideas on this website. For example, this page about building self esteem is a good place to start.
8-11 Points – Low self-esteem is holding you back. Make a decision right now to do something about this. Why not look at this guide on how to deal with low self esteem and start fixing this problem today.
Below 8 Points – Your esteem is way too low! There are likely many reasons why you are suffering from this problem.
Information about this Self esteem Test
I developed this test way back in 1999. It was refined in 2006 after further research and experience. I wanted to create a quick online test with simple yes or no answers for anyone visiting my website. Back then, there were not many such tests online. Now there seem to be many, however, this test is now over 20 years old and has been used by thousands of visitors to this website. Various publications have cited this test (see references above). It has been used in a number of academic articles and journals for research into self-esteem issues.
My experience of suffering from low self-esteem and depression taught me how badly it can affect our daily life. It also taught me which essential issues would quickly determine if someone has low self-esteem or not. I hope you find the test helpful.
I do feel that the test I designed is more helpful and more wide-ranging than the online Rosenberg Self Esteem Test. My test can be carried out in a matter of a few minutes and also contains some useful advice. It also has an educational value and can show the taker more about the problems that they might face as a result of low self-esteem.
Future Research on this Self Esteem Test
I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who would like to research the reliability and validity of this test. This would be a great project for anyone studying or involved in self esteem studies or psychological work, academic or career-based. Please contact me to ask about this. I will be happy to give permission if you are researching it to academic standards.
Get more information about your self esteem
Mayo Clinic: Is your self esteem too low or just right?
Believe it or not, it is possible for self-esteem to be too high! What we are aiming for is a healthy level that provides you with the self-belief and confidence you need to perform to your best.
- Aloysius, A., & Manoj, J. (2019). A Study on Self Esteem of Post Graduate Students. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338007326_A_Study_on_Self_Esteem_of_Post_Graduate_Students
- Devakani, J. S. M., Devi, A. A., & Vijayalakshmi, R. (2018). Effectiveness of Self Worth Therapy on Self Esteem Among Elderlyin Selected Old Age Homes, Kancheepuram Districts. Education, 2(6.5), 0-995.
- Oyier, B. (2013). Effect of HIV/ AIDS on Self-esteem of Secondary School Students in Upper Nyakach District, Kenya. Egerton University Submission for Master’s Degree. http://ir-library.egerton.ac.ke/jspui/bitstream/123456789/2053/1/Effect%20of%20hivaids%20orphanhood%20on%20self-esteem%20of.pdf (accessed on May 15, 2020).
- Vallejo MA, Jordán CM, Díaz MI, Comeche MI, Ortega J. (2007). Psychological Assessment via the Internet: A Reliability and Validity Study of Online (vs Paper-and-Pencil) Versions of the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) and the Symptoms Check-List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2007;9(1):e2. URL: https://www.jmir.org/2007/1/e2