You can if you think you can. Believing in yourself is everything! Let me explain why I believe this is true based on the years of experience in life that I have in addition to my professional experience and writing on the subject.
I know from personal experience this sounds much easier than it is, but you change your attitude and learn how to be more confident.
You can if you think you can. One of the most important things you need to be successful is to believe in your ability, and in yourself (Robbins, 2004). Even if you are highly talented, a lack of self-belief in your abilities will make it much more difficult for you to succeed.
Yes, it is your thinking that really matters, because your actions are the result of your thoughts. Negative thinking produces ineffective actions. Imagine having a difficult task or problem to solve, how much easier do you think it is when you are positive and think that you can do it? And how difficult do you think it will be if you lack confidence?
Believe You Can and You Will Succeed!
Belief and perseverance are the keys to success. Writers like J.K. Rowling and Steven King are living testimonies to this. Do you know how many times they were rejected before they made their big breakthroughs? J.K. Rowling was broke and living on welfare and was turned down time after time before she was able to create the masterpiece that is Harry Potter. Stephen King was told his books dealt with “negative utopias” and that they “won’t sell”. You may think that they are extremely talented or even that they are once in a generation writers.
While they may be somewhat gifted, I truly believe that many of us possess similar gifts, not necessarily in writing, but whatever it is that we are passionate about. The problem is that many of us aren’t aware of it. Many of us don’t believe in ourselves the way J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, or pretty much any other successful person did. Because to succeed, you must first fail, again and again.

If you don’t believe in yourself, and in your abilities, if you allow the first person who criticises your work to bring you down and cause you to give up on your dream, you may just lose your spark and settle for much less than you deserve. If you can somehow muster up the courage and strength to persist, to chase your dreams and to keep believing in yourself, though, the outcome could be entirely different!
Many studies found evidence that students experience huge benefits in terms of academic success when they have self-efficacy, a strong belief in their abilities. By comparing results for two different groups of students over time, the effects of self-belief can clearly be seen in the research. So, believing in yourself really is powerful!
Henry Ford said:
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”
I absolutely agree with that quotation. More than half the battle in anything challenging lies with yourself. Self-belief takes you halfway to succeeding.
What other behaviour makes you successful?
There are a number of things that can help you become successful. Let’s now look at these:
- Strength of Mind and your willpower. Once you have the self belief you can get started but what keeps you going? Something must motivate you to continue even through those moments that seem impossible. Willpower will help you to stay focused and not give in even when you begin to question what you are doing.
- There is another quality closely connected with will power and it makes a huge difference between success and failure. The ability to manage yourself and keep yourself on the right path despite setbacks or doubts. The ability to stay on track involves self discipline. Successful people are those who can stay focused despite what others think and despite their emotions. Having self discipline will enable you to continuing moving towards your goal. Have you ever heard of the “can do” attitude?
- The correct attitude is very helpful. You need to be positive and open minded. Being negative or easily put off can spell disaster. Your mindset can make or break you. It seems that being positive enables the brain to be more creative and seek solutions whereas negativity just closes your mind to opportunity and makes sure that all you can see is failure.
- Positive self-concept ,which is directly related to the amount of self belief a person has, helps gymnasts and sportsmen/ women improve their performance and this is a long-lasting effect. This article, published in the Journal of Sports Sciences, shows this very well.
WANT MORE CONFIDENCE? This will help! Click here to Feel better about yourself now (opens in Hypnosis
- Doubt can be a killer. It is the source of so much failure and can stop you dead in your tracks, even if you want to be successful. Of course you don’t have to listen to the doubts in your mind, you can replace them with faith. This faith will lift you to overcome any doubts you have. Faith means believing in something that you cannot prove. It is very powerful and increases your willpower and confidence. What do you believe in? How can this help you to become more successful in what you are trying to do? Having faith in yourself is a very important characteristic in successful people and is especially necessary if others doubt you. If you have faith in yourself you will not care what they say. Check this issue of my newsletter for some more about faith.
The Role of Self Confidence in Your Life
We have talked about factors that help you to be successful and that if you think you can do something you truly can. Self confidence is therefore very powerful and something you need if you want to succeed. Some people have natural self confidence, ever wondered why?
Some people have the natural ability to look at things from a positive angle. They are lucky to be that way. That kind of person behaves without fear because they just believe they will succeed. Why? Many of these people may have been brought up to think like this and may have been lucky enough to get the right amount of support from their families at just the right time in their life. For others, that natural self confidence may have been learned. It can be developed. Either way if you have to work at being more confident you are not alone. Everyone faces negativity and doubt. Building your self confidence will pay dividends and bring you a much happier life.
Life Experience Has That Taught me the Power of Believing in Myself
Now you understand that if you believe you can, you will be able to succeed. Self-belief also has a major influence on your self motivation. If you have motivation you can achieve anything you set your mind to! I know this well from personal experience and have proved it to myself many times.
I suffered from severe depression including a particularly deep depression that lasted for more than two years. After I finally accepted that I could control my life, things started to improve. I listened to inspiring music, read inspirational books and began to believe that I could improve my life. I went back to school, got a Masters, and started teaching at several Universities in the UK. All this because I simply believed it was possible.
I also suffered over a much longer period from low self esteem and a lack of confidence. I taught myself how to change my attitude and think more positively about who I am. I began to believe in my abilities and experience. I become much happier and opened up the possibility to move back home to the UK. None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t believe in myself and changed my thinking from “I can’t” to “I can”.
I always wanted to write and I used my life experience to develop this website, helped many people with the problems I had experienced and I also achieved my lifelong ambition to write a book. I managed to sell it too! I even got it published! So I can confidently say to you, believe you can and you will!
One great way to develop the confidence that you need is to use the power of your subconscious mind. Self hypnosis is a quick and easy way for you to do this. With the help of a program you can download you could be changing your life sooner than you think. If you have never tried this then click on the link below to find out more:
It’s easy and it works! Try Building Confidence now and see how.
- Marsh, H. W., Chanal, J. P., & Sarrazin, P. G. (2006). Self-belief does make a difference: A reciprocal effects model of the causal ordering of physical self-concept and gymnastics performance. Journal of sports sciences, 24(1), 101-111.
- Ouweneel, E., Schaufeli, W. B., & Le Blanc, P. M. (2013). Believe, and you will achieve: Changes over time in self‐efficacy, engagement, and performance. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being, 5(2), 225-247.
- Robbins, S. (2004). “Is Belief Crucial to Success?” Harvard Business school.
- Tuckman, B. W., & Sexton, T. L. (1992). Self-believers are self-motivated; self-doubters are not. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(4), 425-428.